Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas '09

Christmas with our family of FIVE was wonderful this year! Our first Christmas as a family of five and Abrie's first Christmas... it was a neat feeling!

Dan had to work 3 of his 4 days off, as he was finally supposed to be off for the days surrounding Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I think he has maybe had 2 or (maybe) 3 Christmas' off in the 8 years that we've been married. But, he worked both days and the 23rd. My husband may be a goofball, but he does what he has to do for his family and I love him so much for that. It's hard on him to be away on Christmas Eve night, but he sacrificed sleep to go to Lancaster for Christmas Eve at my house and his MaMa's house and to make sure he saw their faces when they came down the stairs on Christmas morning.

They loved their easel!! We need to find a little tray at the craft store for extra storage underneath, but they still just love it. Faith got her Snow White dress she wanted and Abrie got books, books, books, and more books! She loves books, and they'll grow with her instead of the toys that she'll grow out of eventually. Big girls got lots of artsy/craftsy things too from Santa because they are all about that. Donovan and Ella got them a huge craft box which is a major hit here. The girlies had a blast with family in Lancaster also, and although it is hectic getting around to all the family in one day, I do love that it is over and done with on the 24th and we can enjoy Christmas Day by ourselves. We got to meet our new niece, Molly which was also great. Abrie is officially a big cousin and awaiting the birth of our new nephew in April also! Girlies got to spend time with their cousins which was great, and Nene got them some great stuff as always.

It was a wonderful holiday together, and especially nice as our first Christmas with Abrielle here to complete us.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My 2 B's

I caught my youngest B this morning red-handed. She is so quick these days! She was sitting and pulling out all the Disney movies within arm's reach to her heart's content. Oh, how this made her big sisters laugh! They love all of her antics these days. Abrie even climbed two stairs this morning after coming in from a cold walk outside. Maddie couldn't believe it, and kept trying to get her to climb more.

My big B is another budding artiste. She spells her name pretty clearly now, and she loves trying to draw herself and her two sisters. This picture is supposed to be Maddie. She played and played today at Maddie's dance class with two little boys. She plays so well with other kids, and had a blast counting while they would go and "hide." And, she got to do the trampoline at the end of class with Maddie which totally made her night!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Baby girl "scrunchies"

Abrie has started making this face these days, and it's adorable. Dan says it reminds him of Maddie's faces she used to make when she was a baby. It reminds me of cousin Ella and her 'smokey eyes' that she used to make! Nevertheless, this new facial expression is hilarious and she does it whenever she's so excited. It's bringing back memories of Faith's 'stinky eyes' that she used to do and little things that they both used to do. Abrie also waves 'hi' all the time and smacks her lips if she wants more food! Ha.

Baby, it's cold outside

Got our 8-or-so inches of snow, and the girls are loving it.

Philly got blanketed with about 20+ inches, so we (Dan and I-- if the girls had it their way, we'd get 3 feet every week!) are definitely thankful we didn't get nearly as much. I felt so bad though for Dan last night having to get to work. It took him about an hour to shovel himself a spot out of the alley, and then he basically had to slide out of our alley and then spend another 2 hours driving to work in what is supposed to be a 45 minute commute. Thankfully, he made it there and back home again this morning in one piece.

My baby girl absolutely DESPISES the cold weather. Actually, maybe I should retract my statement and just clarify that it is her snowsuit that she despises. And, when I say despise I mean she seriously hates being bundled with a passion. So, I took Maddie and Faith out to the field by our house to snow tube and Dan stayed here with Abrie this afternoon. And earlier in the day, I just bundled the littlest woman up and we watched her big sisters have a tea party in the snow on the deck. I don't think she quite saw the appeal in the idea as much as her big sisters, but I'm certain that she'll have a ball with them next year when it snows this much and she can join them in the fun snow activities!


Totally unrelated, but I couldn't help but laugh tonight at a part of a book I am reading. There was a paragraph in there about being a book-a-holic, and I am so totally that woman. We went to this gently used book store last week that I've been dying to go to for the longest time. When it comes to children's books, I get weak knees. And, when you compound the existing [slight] addiction of mine for children's books with an awesome price, it gets even worse-- or, better depending on how you look at it! My girls are such avid readers, and that includes the Bay Breeze. She is totally loving any book with animals these days, and she'll squawk at all the pages. Maddie and Faith love any any every book, and they both even have the patience to listen to chapter books and love them.

My problem though is that I love collecting children's books. And, on top of that, I have a tendency to want all books in a set if there is a collection. This never bodes well for me when the little women find a new character that they like to follow, and I then realize that that certain character stars in a series of books! I was mentioning to Dan the other night when we were watching that show on A&E 'Hoarders,' that I can see why some people start losing control over their desire to collect everything. If I had enough space for books in this house, I would definitely collect as many as I could. But, anyway, the girls had a ball picking out Goldenbooks for $.75/each and some other books here and there. Maddie was beside herself because she found the American Girl book, "Meet Molly" that both she and Faith love. We even hit up the thrift store on our way back home then, and found even better deals NOT TO MENTION, a wooden easel for our little artistes. We had been looking for one for them since they spend every waking second drawing when they're not playing. Dan is excited to write a message on it in chalk and sign it from Santa!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The little echo

Can't get enough of my Flop.

Faith-y took a little bit of a nap this afternoon for once in her life, and so she was a ball of laughs tonight and wanted to stay awake longer than her Dee and Beeba Show. She is in love with the D.W. character of the 'Arthur' series, and she wanted to read to me tonight. It is adorable the way she reads: "D Dub-a-uuuu." She then continued on a lengthy conversation and reason to Dan and I as to why she just loves this home as compared to the apartment, "I love this new home. I no like my old home. There are too many fruit flies in my old home (hahahaha she still remembers when our orchard picked peaches attracted an ungodly amount of fruit flies in the summer!). This yuck. I hate my old home. I love this new home with buuuuutiful lights."

Our Beebster is her big sister's echo. They are just too much when they are together. They spend the whole entire day together, and despite getting on each other's nerves every now and again, they are absolutely inseparable. This morning I lay in bed laughing to myself when Maddie told Faith "ewwww, your breath smells like rotten eggs and cottage [cheese]" (what about THAT for a description?!) and Faith just laughs after Maddie starts giggling uncontrollably and replies, "No way! My breath smells like a BOUQUET!"

It's funny though to hear them playing throughout the course of a day. Faith watches everything that Maddie does and then copies it almost instantaneously. They've been practicing their wedding march song lately since the princesses have been marrying their coordinating princes in their new game. The other day Maddie was pretending that she was marrying our nutcracker, and I heard Faith immediately go rummaging through the playpen looking for Buzz (Lightyear). She heard Maddie talking to the nutcracker, and so she'd turn to Buzz and say "Buzz, I love you" (and to this, you would hear "Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!!" going off from accidentally pressing his buttons!).

As Faith was reading her D.W. books to me tonight, I had to smile at how incredible of a sister she is. She sat there wearing ballet shoes with her pajamas. Why? Because Maddie was wearing ballet shoes with her pajamas also, and so Faith had to do the same thing. She sat there explaining to me that D.W. is not nice in one of the books because she was telling her baby sissy to not talk a certain way. Faith said, "this a no too nice a baby sissy. I tell Beeba Show, you a nice baby sissy. I love you."

Friday, December 18, 2009


Ready for the first big snowstorm of this year.

Maddie is beyond excited. She loves snow! Giant was a disaster this afternoon when we had to do our grocery shopping. It's ridiculous how packed it gets when snow is in the forecast. I went to the consignment shop too to make sure and pick up snow boots for Faith and snow pants for Maddie so that they're able to revel in the snow tomorrow and Sunday. It should be fun!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas pictures and letters

Maddie made this drawing today of Santa, his sleigh, and Rudolph arriving at our house for Christmas. I thought it was so cute, especially her depiction of the sleigh, and of herself and her two sissys in their little beds. I just had to take a picture. She and Faith could just draw, and draw, and draw all day long.


My littlest lady just loves going underneath the table. She is such a fast crawler now, and it's not the low-crawl (military style) that both Maddie and Faith used to do. She is a full-fledged textbook crawler. It's quite funny though when all of a sudden you see little Show-y underneath the kitchen table and chairs. Her big sisters get such a kick out of seeing her there with her "beady eyes and her smile!" AND, she pulled herself up to a standing position this morning!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rainy day fun

I might dread days like today, but these girls live it up and don't mind the cabin fever!

I still try and get them out even on ugly days, even if only for a little while, but today was the ugliest of the ugly! It rained non-stop almost all day and didn't get any warmer than the 30's. It was dreary, cold, and just plain ugly. But, my little ladies definitely know how to entertain themselves. I think Abrie was loving the laidback type of day, and my big girls were acting out scenes of Barbie movies and Disney movies all day long. The three of them were on the floor doing strange faces and putting underwear (or, as Faith calls them UNNAWARES!) on Beeba's head and then posing for pictures. It was quite comical. And, we kept ourselves busy doing non-stop crafting while Abrie napped-- 'B' craft in the shape of butterflies, craft stick crayon holders, and name plaques for their rooms-- and making chicken tortilla soup for dinner. Not to mention, Abrie was laughing like I have NEVER heard her laugh when Maddie was sneaking up on her in the walker and shouting "Boo!" It was seriously the cutest thing ever! Poor Faith was upstairs on the toilet and was so bummed when she couldn't re-create those same laughs from her beloved Beeba Show!

I love these little girlies and the fun that they inspire!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

1st snow of the season

We didn't get much, but it was enough snow to make the little ladies quite happy! Beebster kept saying, "yay!! It's is-mas" (as in: Christmas) and Maddie just loves snow. It was just an inch or so, but it was enough to give me a preview (yet again) of what I'm in for this winter:

a) Abrie has let it be known that she absolutely hates being bundled up, whether it be her snowsuit or even just her winter coat. She does not think it is amusing in the slightest when her big sisters think it will be a wonderful experience to sit with them in the snow. She does not find it amusing to watch them from the comfort of my arms either. She hates it. Period.

b) I have realized I am not well equipped for this winter. Faith's snow boots are Maddie's old ones, and are a size 5. Faith is now about a size 6 1/2 or 7 shoe. Needless to say, she kept coming up to me while we were out playing in the snow and she would be hobbling about on one foot. The right foot kept coming out of the boot, or better yet she'd be trying to run crooked. Besides Faith needing new snow boots, both big girls need thick gloves and snow pants so that they can last outside for longer. I improvised today and put two pairs of pants on each of them. I'm thinking of paying the Goodwill a visit to see what they have, as I hate to buy everything new since it is so darn expensive.


The library made their day yesterday. They had decorated little postcards there on Thursday and had put the 'Santa stamp' on them and they had each written their list. Maddie of course had to make one for her Breeze too. The library had a little mailbox set up, and Maddie and Faith thought this was so clever and put their postcards in there for Santa. They got a response very quickly, and were beyond excited to receive their letters from Santa yesterday in the mail. The library did a great job with them too, and each letter was different. They LOVED this.

Sesame pictures

Finally got the USB port working:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sesame Place '09

My darn USB port has crapped out again, so until I can get a new one there won't be any pictures. I hate that, as uploading and editing pictures is almost a nightly ritual for me. It gives me something to do at night when Dan is at work.


Sesame Place capped off a nice week of celebrating Faith turning THREE. I still can not believe our Beebster is three! We had a really nice time though on Sunday, and definitely enjoyed the fact that it was nearly 60 degrees on November 29th here. That is supposed to be unheard of here! I love ANY and ALL days that don't require ridiculously big winter coats, or at least don't require them all day, and my girls appreciate it as well. Abrie hates her winter coat! Anyway, Dan made the sacrifice of waiting until the afternoon to sleep on Sunday, and we so we enjoyed a few hours out at Sesame. Faith and Maddie, of course, had an awesome time. They were beyond excited to have Abrie with them for her first time (they get so excited whenever it is her "first" time at their usual experiences). Abrie was absolutely mesmerized by the characters at the Holiday Show. She did not take her eyes off of them! It was so cute.

The day was so nice that when we got back home, and after Dan had gone to bed, my lovely ladies and I went walking to our duck pond/park. They love walking there, and the weather was just beautiful that day. It was a great day to finish off Faith-y's 3rd birthday week.

Saturday, November 28, 2009



My new sayings (that I say all day long) are: "Well, as much fun as this is..." and "Because I said so."


I've discovered that my darling Crannie, my 4-soon-to-be-5-year-old can be more challenging at times (bless her innocent well-meaning little heart!) than my 2 B's combined.


I've discovered that the amount of laundry that needs to be done when there are 3 sick kiddos as opposed to when there used to be 2 sick kiddos not only multiplies 3x, but more like 1,000x. Thank goodness they don't have a stomach bug like that infamous time last December, otherwise I might be doing laundry literally ALL DAY LONG.


Dan has come up with a brilliant plan. Yep, I think it's brilliant. He told me tonight after dinner that once a week we should wait to eat dinner til after the girlies are in bed. This way we can enjoy a nice "date" once a week and eat in peace without having to inhale our food as so often happens.
** We will start this tomorrow night since I have a sweet spinach and mushroom stuffed pork loin to make that I doubt our little ladies will enjoy as much as we might. The sweetest part about this pork loin is that I got it for a mere $1.79/lb because somebody made a typo and it was supposed to be $7.79/lb! I live for deals.