Christmas with our family of FIVE was wonderful this year! Our first Christmas as a family of five and Abrie's first Christmas... it was a neat feeling!
Dan had to work 3 of his 4 days off, as he was finally supposed to be off for the days surrounding Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I think he has maybe had 2 or (maybe) 3 Christmas' off in the 8 years that we've been married. But, he worked both days and the 23rd. My husband may be a goofball, but he does what he has to do for his family and I love him so much for that. It's hard on him to be away on Christmas Eve night, but he sacrificed sleep to go to Lancaster for Christmas Eve at my house and his MaMa's house and to make sure he saw their faces when they came down the stairs on Christmas morning.
They loved their easel!! We need to find a little tray at the craft store for extra storage underneath, but they still just love it. Faith got her Snow White dress she wanted and Abrie got books, books, books, and more books! She loves books, and they'll grow with her instead of the toys that she'll grow out of eventually. Big girls got lots of artsy/craftsy things too from Santa because they are all about that. Donovan and Ella got them a huge craft box which is a major hit here. The girlies had a blast with family in Lancaster also, and although it is hectic getting around to all the family in one day, I do love that it is over and done with on the 24th and we can enjoy Christmas Day by ourselves. We got to meet our new niece, Molly which was also great. Abrie is officially a big cousin and awaiting the birth of our new nephew in April also! Girlies got to spend time with their cousins which was great, and Nene got them some great stuff as always.
It was a wonderful holiday together, and especially nice as our first Christmas with Abrielle here to complete us.