Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mischievous late-night prowl of Dee and Dis

Faith cracks me up with her names of 'Dee' and 'Dis' for herself and her Maddie. It's so neat to know that she's at an age now where she is coming up with nicknames for the two of them as Maddie used to do when she was little and Faith was the baby. Faith is constantly over at the fridge looking at the family portrait that Maddie wanted me to draw weeks ago. It is purely stick figures of myself, Dan, Maddie, Faith, and Gordo (but, Faith today insisted on adding the swamp creature in the background of our family portrait as well!), but she loves it. She took it from the fridge today and put it on the couch where she would periodically go up to it this morning and point out, "Da-Da, Momma, Dee, Dis!" It's even funnier that she refers to herself as 'Dis' (or, 'this' in Beebsterness). 

Dee and Dis were up to no good last night though! It was quite amusing. Maddie had gotten up at about 9pm crying and crying that her ear hurt from the inside. Dan and I rolled our eyes and thought, "oh great here we go again... when will this ongoing sickness finally leave us all?!" It must have just been water though in her ear from her bath because after a short while, she was totally fine. Of course, she became quite talkative and animated and lost all sense of sleepiness. This in turn woke up the Beebster after Maddie was in a fit of giggles. I put them both in our bed after Dan went to work, and told them they could read a few books and then it was time for bed. They are so darn cute at this late hour and always put on the charm, so it's awfully hard to ignore their funny ways when I know I should so that they can go back to bed. Eventually though I went back out to the living room.

I ended up falling asleep for a little bit while watching "Forensic Files" as I do almost every night. I woke up and thought I heard voices. I was right. I got up to turn off the Christmas tree, and noticed none other than Dee and Dis sitting by the cottage playing. Not only were they playing, they had gotten three bins of toys out and had made a block city with ponies and pets as the citizens. It was actually quite an elaborate block city. But, this was at 11:37pm! I asked them what in the world they were doing, and Maddie's response was as follows: "Sorry Momma, but we were having a camp fire with a cookout." Haha. Needless to say, Dee and Dis helped clean up and went straight to bed after that, although Faith was still singing and reading past 1am!

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