Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Soon-to-be Birthday girl

My Maddie will be FOUR years old, and it's crazy to think that it's almost been FOUR years since we were at the hospital awaiting her arrival. Although she isn't four until January 11th, she's been asking and asking for her birthday video. When Faith turned 2, I made her a video and decided to start doing that for them with pictures to re-cap that given year. They LOVE them.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

60+ degrees in December

Crazy, but true.

We couldn't take as much advantage of the day as I would have liked, due to the muddy ground, but we still thoroughly enjoyed the warm day. Not only did Maddie and Faith very much appreciate going out without their big, bulky winter coats, but I also GREATLY appreciated not having to undergo the extra 15+ minutes of preparation and buckling of those big, bulky coats into car seats. 

They spent forever today dressing up in their princess outfits and either cooking in their cottage, wrestling in Faith's ball pit, or playing ponies and pets. They just love their princess outfits. Faith looks hilarious walking around in her high heels and a crown, and they look even more hilarious dressed up and wrestling at the same time. They're too funny.

They were so excited about the Eagles big win today! Not to mention, once we saw that the Bears AND Bucs had both lost (switching back and forth between those two games) we decided it would be a mini-party for the Eagles/Cowgirls game. We got pizza and moved their little Ariel table out into the living room. 'Belle' (Maddie) and 'Cinderella' (Beebster) got to sit out in the living room and eat dinner, which is unheard of here. They loved it. At one point, after Buckhalter's first touchdown, Maddie shouts "Let's get the American flag!! Let's celebrate!" Hahahaha. Faith kept coming up to Dan and I and giving us high 5's. 

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Swinging fun with Daddy

at the playground on Christmas Day

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Finishing up opening gifts, and Faith with her beloved Ernie!

The C. and the B. Christmas Morning

Yesterday was so much fun!

The little women were up by about 6:45am with excitement to open their Santa gifts, but I had told them the night before that we would have to stay in our bedroom until Dan got home from work at about 7:45am. And, stay they did. I had put a stockpile of presents from Christmas Eve (from Nene, Tia Rosa, Guy and Ella, Grammy, etc) in our bedroom, and they immediately dressed up as Aurora and Belle (well, Faith was mismatching with a Belle skirt and a Cinderella shirt) and played with all of Faith's farm figures quite happily. But, they were quite anxious!

They heard Dan come in from work, and they stood there by the door waiting to be able to see what Santa had brought. They were so cute. Faith was so excited this year that she was doing her wiggly feet-- something she does now all the time when she gets excited, and she doesn't even do it on purpose, but it seems like a reflex rather! We finally unleashed them from our room, and they flew to their stockings. It was hilarious because Maddie goes, "Awww! Just what I always wanted- CANDY!" Haha. Faith wouldn't stop showing me her M&M candycane, and Dan and I were laughing because if that would have been their Christmas, they would have been so happy with just that! 

They have been in absolute heaven with all of their presents. I told Dan that I think we're going to be quite busy for quite awhile with everything. Maddie's favorite thing that she got was one of their joint gifts at their shoe-- the ice cream Play Doh set that was #1 on her Christmas list this year. She LOVES it. Between that and finally getting a cookbook that she's been wanting forever, she was already quite the happy Crandall. Faith's favorite Santa gift was definitely her Ernie doll. The simplest things are the coolest to these little women. She loved everything though. Some of their best presents were their joint shoe gifts, and they have been so busy playing "Elefun," "Don't Spill the Beans," and "Don't Break the Ice." Faith now asks for "beee.. beeee... dis da beees?" (in other words, "can we play the beans game?"). Games and books were quite the hit.

Their other two huge hits were Faith's ball pit and the Pony amusement park that they've both been wanting for a long time. I hear the music to that Pony ferris wheel at 6:30am because they're already sitting there playing with it. They've been playing super well with it, and haven't argued at all. I remember last year they were arguing over their gifts since everything was so new, and I would have figured it would be worse this year with Faith a year older. But, that hasn't been the case. They've been playing so well and have been so entertained with all their new things. Faith's ball pit has been a huge hit. They are HILARIOUS in it. They use it more as a wrestling ring and do NOT stop laughing from jumping in and out, and over each other. Their hair sticks straight up from the static after they're done playing with it!

Dan also got me the sweetest Christmas card and perfume, and I loved it. I definitely love cards-- that is all I ever need. We never get each other gifts (at least not since the little women have been born), and the card was the best surprise. Not to mention, our little fella' (I should stop referring to this poor baby as a boy constantly as I always did with both Madison and Faith in the stomach, just in case it's not a boy!)  has been moving and wriggling so much. I kept telling them that their baby brother/sister was watching and having fun too because he/she kept moving the entire time they opened their gifts. It seemed perfect with all 3 of our kiddos together for Christmas morning!

We had such a great time enjoying our little ladies this Christmas, as always. Their expressions and their emotions at the littlest thing that they get are priceless. It is definitely something that we will always remember and never, ever take for granted. 

Christmas Morning, Part 2

Christmas Present Fun, Part 1

Christmas Present Fun, Part 2

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

It's almost 11pm, and I just am getting a chance now to sit.

It was a wonderful day. Christmas has always been my most favorite holiday, and has only gotten better with having had our precious girls. It's quite the hectic day going from Grammy's house to Nene's house to MaMa's house all in one day, and then back to Reading. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And, tomorrow will be great because we'll just spend the whole day relaxing and watching the C. and the B. with all of their Santa gifts.

They had an absolute blast with family today. They both made out like bandits, and Maddie was quite excited to get a lot of princess stuff and Beebster was in heaven with all of her Boo's and Baa's. They behaved wonderfully, and had so much fun with their cousins.

I am looking forward to my little girl's faces tomorrow morning. And, to thoroughly enjoying our Christmas Day together.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So very ready!

I don't think these little women could be more ready for Christmas! They are so excited that tomorrow is the day that we get to go see Grammy and go to Nene's house. Not to mention that they are DYING to see their Dogolin Dwight, Baby Cuz, and Mr. Tyler. And, of course, that Santa will visit them tomorrow night.

They're quite busy today with a bunch of projects: they painted Nene's jewelry box earlier this morning, and are excited to put on the decorations after it dries, they have a few more necklaces/bracelets to put together, and of course they're both dying to make Santa's cookies this afternoon.

Christmas was so much fun last year, and I didn't think any year could ever top it. But, I think this one will be so much fun with them a year older, a year funnier, and another year more appreciative of everything that they have. I wish they would never grow up because Christmas right now is awesome with them being so little. Their eyes light up at everything!

Busy playing

Toilet paper "train!"

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cranster and Beebster

'Dee and Dis' Continued

Well, I would have guessed that the little ladies would be passed out within minutes of their 6:45pm bedtime tonight. 


It's now 7:30pm, and they've only just now fallen asleep. They came to the crack of their door three times (Maddie of course as the leader of this duo, with a smiling Beebster standing right behind her and waving to me!) asking for "stuff for our camp." I guess they now think they are campers. They went into Faith's room and confiscated Floppity, Hoppity, Hippity, and Hippie the Beanie Baby bunnies, the bin of instruments, and Faith's van full of Pets. I could hear them carrying on and playing the flute and harmonica (with Faith belting out a few tunes on the kazoo) and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. They really are too funny. And, the best of friends.

The afternoon was fun. They were all excited to go out earlier this morning and wait for Dan to get home at lunch time. I was so aggravated to get out and notice it was raining after I had spent a good 30 minutes getting them ready with all their 'gear.' Ugh. The lovely winters here! But, we were able to get out this afternoon after Faith's nap and they had a blast. Faith INSISTED on taking two pancakes and a bottle of maple syrup (pretend of course) as an offering to the "swamp creature." She is obsessed! Maddie thought her Beebster was funny, and decided to also take along some bacon. They were probably the sight as we took our walk with them each holding breakfast items in their hands.

After our walk, Maddie wanted to go snow tubing again and Faith wanted to be pulled in her little sled. I took them out to the big hill in the front, and it was awesome. The ice from last night mixed with the snow made it perfect for a little more speed. Maddie would wait at the very top of the hill while I took Faith down in her sled to the bottom (giggling hysterically the entire way) and then I'd shout for Maddie to jump on and come down to us. She'd do a running jump and launch herself onto the snow tube. She had a blast! Faith finally worked up enough nerve to also go down on her 'pansa' on the snow tube. I went down to the bottom of the hill and when I gave Maddie the cue, she pushed Faith just enough to get her going. Faith loved it!

It has definitely been a nice change of pace to at least have a little snow to play in outside. These winters are definitely not my favorite, but we'll take what we get and they have really enjoyed their first snow tubing and sledding of this season. 

Mischievous late-night prowl of Dee and Dis

Faith cracks me up with her names of 'Dee' and 'Dis' for herself and her Maddie. It's so neat to know that she's at an age now where she is coming up with nicknames for the two of them as Maddie used to do when she was little and Faith was the baby. Faith is constantly over at the fridge looking at the family portrait that Maddie wanted me to draw weeks ago. It is purely stick figures of myself, Dan, Maddie, Faith, and Gordo (but, Faith today insisted on adding the swamp creature in the background of our family portrait as well!), but she loves it. She took it from the fridge today and put it on the couch where she would periodically go up to it this morning and point out, "Da-Da, Momma, Dee, Dis!" It's even funnier that she refers to herself as 'Dis' (or, 'this' in Beebsterness). 

Dee and Dis were up to no good last night though! It was quite amusing. Maddie had gotten up at about 9pm crying and crying that her ear hurt from the inside. Dan and I rolled our eyes and thought, "oh great here we go again... when will this ongoing sickness finally leave us all?!" It must have just been water though in her ear from her bath because after a short while, she was totally fine. Of course, she became quite talkative and animated and lost all sense of sleepiness. This in turn woke up the Beebster after Maddie was in a fit of giggles. I put them both in our bed after Dan went to work, and told them they could read a few books and then it was time for bed. They are so darn cute at this late hour and always put on the charm, so it's awfully hard to ignore their funny ways when I know I should so that they can go back to bed. Eventually though I went back out to the living room.

I ended up falling asleep for a little bit while watching "Forensic Files" as I do almost every night. I woke up and thought I heard voices. I was right. I got up to turn off the Christmas tree, and noticed none other than Dee and Dis sitting by the cottage playing. Not only were they playing, they had gotten three bins of toys out and had made a block city with ponies and pets as the citizens. It was actually quite an elaborate block city. But, this was at 11:37pm! I asked them what in the world they were doing, and Maddie's response was as follows: "Sorry Momma, but we were having a camp fire with a cookout." Haha. Needless to say, Dee and Dis helped clean up and went straight to bed after that, although Faith was still singing and reading past 1am!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

'Science Lesson'

Maddie loves her 'science lessons' which usually include an episode of either "Planet Earth" or "Blue Planet." It just so happens that Faith also loves this part with the ducks falling out of the trees in the seasonal forests part of "Planet Earth." Maddie's laugh in this is pretty fake, but still funny. They always laugh hysterically at the plight of the poor little ducks!

Friday, December 12, 2008

18-week appointment

The little women never fail to entertain!

They were quite the entertainers at baby brother/sister's appointment today. Of course, that goes without saying that the volume in the doctor's office probably went up a few notches once they walked in and made themselves comfortable! Maddie had taken the poodle and pony Pets and Faith of course had her Baa and Boo Pets, so they were busy playing in the waiting room and entertaining a couple who had just had their second baby girl. They told Dan and I that it was neat to watch our girls playing because their two girls are fairly similar in age difference. 

Maddie is always concerned about her Momma, and wants to stand right next to me during the entire appointment. They both waved goodbye to me (which they did last time too) when I went to give a urine sample, and Faith was so excited when I came back into the room. Maddie gets concerned about the blood pressure cuff, and insists on holding my hand through everything. My little buddy. She's awesome. Faith was spinning Baa and Boo on the swirly chair, and would come stand next to me at intervals. She cracks me up because all I can ever see are her little eyes peeking over the edge of the chair.

Maddie changes her mind often about whether she'd like a baby brother or sister, but today she was insistent again that she would love a baby brother. She told the midwife and said she would like to name a boy 'Prince Phillip.' The midwife laughed and asked if she had a name for a girl that she liked, and Maddie quickly responded, "oh that's easy.. Aurora. Just like a princess." We might have to break it to her easy that Prince Phillip and Aurora are probably not going to be options! Faith of course answered that she would like to name the baby 'Baaaa' or 'Booooo.' Hahaha.

Besides that though, everything was perfect. My blood pressure has remained perfect at every appointment. I measure perfectly at a little under 18 weeks, and I have never felt better. I thought for sure I'd be more stressed this time around with having to care for two little women, but the 'stress' seems to agree with me I guess.


We took the little women to see the Holiday Lights at Gring's Mill after dinner. They loved it. It was just the right amount of walking for both Cran and Flop. One of Faith's favorite parts actually was a tuba band that was playing Christmas music in the barn. She thought this was awesome, and stood the entire time with her jaw dropped. 

They put their reindeer cookies on the tray when we got home-- cheated, because I got those Holiday Place N Bake cookies, but Maddie is anxious to try all kinds of different Christmas cookies that she has seen in her favorite edition of 'Better Homes and Gardens' magazine!-- and were off to bed. 

2 peas in a pod

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Optimism abounds

I know optimism will bring us our best chances for a quicker recovery for my little women, so I am trying to look forward to when they are completely themselves again!

It was quite hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel though last night, and into this morning. Dan and I just stared at them sleeping out on the loveseat (where they have requested to sleep since they've been sick, and been passed out before 6:30pm every night despite LONG naps) from about 8:30pm until he had to leave for work. We kept discussing the color of their cheeks which had by then turned fire engine red. They were both burning up. I woke up at about 1:30am realizing that I felt ridiculously hot, and realized that the source of heat was Beebster laying next to me. I checked her temperature, and it was 102.5. I gave her Tylenol, but by 2:00am it had risen to 103.5. I am not used to them having fevers or being this incredibly sick, and it really was making me scared. She screamed in her sleep from then until waking at about 8:30am. I would rub her back and stomach in circles, and this would soothe her for a short while before the screaming would begin again.

They both woke up with low-grade fevers, and I've realized that now the 3 of us girls have colds. Lovely. The cherry on top of the sundae. I'm thinking that on Monday Faith must have come down with a cold when she went out to Blockbuster with Dan for a short trip in the afternoon. She was the only one of us that day that was feeling well, and Dan hadn't quite been hit yet with the lovely stomach virus so he wanted to get her out for a little while. It just so happened that there was about a 5-minute downpour that looked like hail right when they stepped out of the car to come back inside. I'm wondering if, despite being dressed like an Eskimo, her immune system was still weak and then the cold and rain put the icing on the deal for her and she came down with this next cold. 

After watching "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Backyardigans" this morning and eating nothing more than a few tablespoons of applesauce for breakfast, I realized this day would be another disaster. Faith was crying from the discomfort of a runny nose and probably a sore throat and/or congested head, and Maddie was laying on the floor wanting to do nothing but sleep. I got out their Play Doh's and we spent a good while making pizzas, and luckily that seems to have turned the day around for my little women. I set up their Disney Memory game and a version that Faith could play too, and they loved it. Maddie got out Disney Scene-It and Faith even loved watching the clips and rolling the dice. They colored with markers then- and Faith made a picture which she hung so proudly on the fridge for Dan (she now constantly asks, "Where Da-da?" when he is not around)- and then played happily on the top bunk for almost an hour setting up Radiator Springs with Beanie Baby cats that were supposed to be Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz. My little troopers. I know they feel like total crap, but I'm hopeful they can finally have a fun day.

Show girls

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Violently ill

The stomach 'bug' that reared its ugly head in Beebster on Saturday has now turned into the most vicious stomach 'bug' that we have ever had in our history of being a family. In fact, it's the only stomach virus that we have ever had.

I should have known that it would slowly but surely work its way through each of us. Poor Faith was listless and unresponsive all day yesterday. She wanted nothing else to do but lay in her little makeshift bed in the living room. She threw up and had bad diarrhea all day. She seemed much better by the time dinner rolled around, and we were so thankful. 

But, at about 1am, I started feeling the beginnings of nausea. I spent the entire night in the bathroom throwing up and with diarrhea that reminded me of pre-labor with Faith and her post-delivery recovery. It was awful, and still is awful. It worries me since I have never had anything like this before, and I get anxious about any effects on the poor little baby. I did call my doctor though, and she assured me that everything will be OK. I went to check on Faith at about 4am, and noticed she had thrown up all over the comforter on the bottom bunk. She was covered in vomit on her jams and on her blankie. So, everything went into the laundry and my poor little Beebster had to sleep without a blankie in our bed.

We were all up by 6am, and Maddie started showing signs she was becoming infected. She started throwing up by 6:30am, but yet was still laughing and playing with the Flop. By about 8am, she was a completely different Cran. She now has occupied the makeshift bed the entire day. She has been throwing up non-stop; it has been every 10 minutes. She throws up and goes immediately back to her little floor bed for about 10 minutes of restless sleep and then is at it again. I called the doctor because she really started worrying Dan and I when she was beginning to crawl to the trashcan instead of walk. She was so incredibly weak. And, I hadn't even noticed that she hadn't peed since about 8am. They told me if she goes 8 hours without peeing, we will have to take her in for an IV at the hospital. Luckily, Dan got her to pee the teeniest bit at about 2:30pm and we'll take it. 

Wouldn't you know that Dan started feeling nauseous and quivering by about 10:30am. And, this would be the day that poor little Beebster feels much better. We're never this sick that it affects us being able to still play with the C. and the B., but the three of us were all just lying on the couch while Faith played with her Littlest Pet Shop. Bless her poor little heart. She kept coming up to us and saying "awwww... paw Da-da," "awwww... paw Momma," "awwww... paw dis" as in poor all of us! She's still not 100% though and is still having diarrhea and doesn't want much to eat, but at least she's our one ray of hope for how we might feel by tomorrow. I absolutely hate though being so affected to the point that I'm completely sluggish with doing ordinary things with my little girls. Usually, it's a minor cold that I can deal with and go about my business. This one has us totally sidelined.

Not to mention the ever-increasing job of laundering all the blankets, blankies, comforters, shirts, pants, etc that have fallen victim to the throw-up. This totally sucks. And, the worst part- seeing Maddie and Faith so unresponsive and unlike themselves. That is the absolute worst part. Hopefully though we'll be all better by tomorrow.