Saturday, August 9, 2008

My forte

Walking is my forte.

Today was a great day, despite another lovely 'bring-in' that was required of Daddy-o.

I decided that we would walk up to the yellow park and have a picnic lunch. It only took an hour to get there, so I call it a success. My little women had a blast. They played on the playground forever, and were having so much fun since it was all to themselves. They had taken a backpack full of Cars and took turns sending them down the slide, and then giggling. They raced around in the baseball diamond and then Faith invented a game where she'd shut the door to the dugout and Maddie would laugh and knock for Faith to let her back in there. By the time we walked back, it was time for naps. And, they took great naps.

We walked up to the pool in the afternoon, as usual. Another great day where we were some of the only ones there. They had a blast and we stayed til 6pm. Dinner wasn't ready til 7pm, baths didn't happen til 7:30pm, and bedtime was delayed until about 8:15pm due to the popular 'movie night' that is a result of good nap-taking. They went to bed as happy as could be. I'll be quite sad when the summer is over; this laid-back schedule is a nice change for our otherwise strict time schedule.

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