Girlies will start their old bedtime routine again tomorrow night. They have all been living it up these past few nights!
I just love Halloween. And, so do my girlies and their Daddy! We had a nice Halloween season this year, and we've been quite busy.
Maddie's school parade was on Friday morning. She was so excited to get to wear her costume that day, and her little sisters were beyond excited to get to see her and be a part of it-- especially Faith. Maddie was a witch for her parade (she and Faith love 'The Wizard of Oz' these days and she called herself Glenda the Good witch and did NOT want any face make-up because she said green paint would make her "mean like the bad witch from Oz"). Faith was a bunny that day, and Abrie squeezed into the 3-6 month bumblebee costume that she had from last year!
I was lucky enough to get a Saturday off yesterday, and so we all went to the library for their Halloween party. Girlies' costumes for the day were a cat for Maddie, Aurora for Faith, and a turkey for Abrielle (they like to mix it up-- and Abrie was hilarious as a turkey.. she was walking around in the morning in costume with a can of gravy in her hand!!) It was great, and the girlies just loved it.. not to mention, Dan loved all the Star Wars characters who were there to celebrate. It was great: the Reading orchestra started playing the Star Wars theme music (granted, I do not know much of anything related to Star Wars, but do know enough about the theme music and some main characters because of two certain Uncles who were Star War crazed when they were little!) and Darth Vader led a cast of characters through the library. There were little girls screaming when they saw him! Poor Maddie (who is never scared by characters) was terrified when she learned that Darth Vader is a bad guy, and yet we were asked to pose for a picture with him. She did not want anything to do with this! On the other hand, boy were she and Faith excited to meet the Storm Troopers! It has been quite hilarious because she's been walking around with a collector's card that he gave her and hugging it saying she is now going to marry a Storm Trooper. She and Faith told him, "we know who you are! Our cousin just loves you. Do you know our cousin, Donovan?" They were too funny! They were laughing when he was posing for pictures with books.
Our township actually split Trick-or-Treat into 2 nights: both last night and tonight. It actually worked out nicely because we were able to do just a little bit on both nights. We met up with some friends last night, and we went alone tonight. Abrie absolutely loved walking the streets with her little pumpkin pail, but she had meltdowns each night by 7pm. It's just too much for her, and I didn't blame her. I think big sissys also appreciated coming back at a decent hour. Last night my three were Aurora, a witch, and a turkey and tonight Maddie was Aurora, Faith was Cinderella, and Abrie was a bumblebee. We had gone to see Nene and Grampa earlier today (and had a wonderful visit playing in the leaves in the backyard), and Nene surprised them with a Cinderella dress. Faith was so excited to wear it, and was glad to let Maddie borrow her Aurora dress.
Best Trick-or-Treat gift was a surprise one from their beloved Joie-- she got them the new T.Swift cd "Speak Now!" And, Rhonda had gotten them her T-shirts last week, so they were so very excited. Abrielle is such a big fan too, so they were all so happy.
All in all, we had a wonderful Halloween.