2 days off inevitably fly by, but it's still 2 days with Dan so I can't complain.
Lucky for me, Dan's always wanting to do stuff on his days off. By his first day back at work, he's always asking "what do you think they (implying the Cran and the B.) want to do on my next days off?" We went to Weaver's Orchard on Tuesday and picked raspberries. They had blackberries, black raspberries, red raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and cherries to choose from and when we asked Maddie what she wanted to pick, she replied right away: "RED RASPBERRIES." She loves her raspberries. Of course, Faith ate more again than she picked, but had a blast. And, Maddie thinks it's funny to be a 'farmer' so she always has fun. They love going in to the little store afterwards too, so it was a nice day. In the afternoon, I took Maddie swimming at the pool and Dan took Faith to the mall since our Disney store is closing. We had planned on all going swimming, but Faith didn't want to put on her swimsuit so Dan thought to take her with him on a little trip. Both Maddie and Faith are very much both of our girls- 100% mine and 100% his.. Momma's girls and Daddy's girls- but, Faith is going through a big Daddy phase right now. Nothing that is hurtful to my feelings or anything like that, and in fact, I think it's really cute. But, if Dan's around she wants him for mostly everything and wants to be held by him for the majority of the time. So, they had a nice afternoon and since our Disney store is closing, Dan got her a little Pluto puppy for dirt cheap.
Crannie and I had a really nice afternoon swimming. It's always so funny to see them apart because you can tell they feel strange without one another. The whole time she and I were at the pool, she would tell me "I'm having a great day with you, Momma. But, it would be better with my Beebster. I really miss my Beebster and my Daddy." She kept asking me what I thought they were doing at that moment in time and what I thought Faith was saying to Dan. She'd tell me laughing, "I think Beebster is telling Daddy, ets." Haha. That was probably quite true! But, we had a blast. We spent the whole time in the big pool since I didn't have to worry about Faith, and Maddie loves to swim to the deep end in her pet. We did a new thing too where I'd go under water and then lift her up and throw her over my head. She loved that, and didn't even mind going under water a little bit with that. She's kicking very well, and now I'll just have to get her to practice her arms when she's comfortable enough to swim without her pet. We walked back to the apartment together, and it was really fun just walking with Cran. She tells the funniest stories and always makes up little songs to sing that are all her own. In fact, the lifeguard there that they love so much is always asking Maddie what song she is going to invent that particular day since Maddie's notorious for coming up with her own lyrics.
They were hilarious when we got back to the apartment. Dan and Faith were already there, and Beebster was waiting for us at the top of the stairs. I think they hugged for a good solid minute, and Faith blew us both kisses for another minute straight.
We went to Sesame yesterday, and of course that's always an awesome time. It was the hottest day we've ever spent there, and the most crowded, but we still had a blast. Maddie got to see the Count, Abby Cadabby, Prairie Dawn, and Oscar this time. I kept asking Faith from the moment she woke up in the morning, "are you going to hug Bert and Ernie?" and she'd say "ETS!" so enthusiastically. But, of course when we saw them she'd get so excited and start doing her infamous dance but if they got too close, she'd start to cry and want to be held. It's got to be the age. I have a feeling she'll be hugging and kissing them next year! She just loves them though, and wants to sit in my lap constantly and look at pictures and the video of the parade. They both LOVE all the rides. Faith doesn't ever want to get off the rides, and starts to screech when we have to get off. We rode the carousel twice because that is their absolute favorite- Maddie never fails naming her horse "Princess"-and their other favorites were the Flying Fish and the teacups. Maddie insisted she wanted to try this ride called "Blast Off" which I thought looked a tiny bit scary for her, but I still went on with her. She was so excited to ride it and hated that she had to wait in line. We got to the top and she was still so excited yelling for Dan and Faith from above, but the second they started dropping us she started crying a little. Poor Cran, she definitely got scared. But, of course the second she got down she was saying how brave she had been and was asking which ride we could do next.
We went on a big ride all together which was the most fun. It was a huge tube that could fit us all and went winding down a big slide until the last big drop. They both wore their cute little lifejackets and loved it. Faith was laughing hysterically for all of it, until we came to the big drop where she screamed but then was laughing when we got off. Maddie loved the entire ride, and especially getting splashed. She would have done the tube slides the entire day if we would have let her and if the lines wouldn't have been so long. She loves all of that stuff. They both went in to the big pools and you couldn't get them out of there. They love it all. It's nice though because every time we go, there's always something we still have yet to do that we can save for the next time, and the next time, etc.
Last night when we got back from Sesame, they got their baths and were all energy until bedtime. I had the loveseat pulled out and Maddie declared that they were "showgirls" and were putting on all of their 'fancy accessories' and doing running jumps. They're so funny. It's not only Maddie though that comes up with things, because then Faith came walking out with Maddie's bathroom stool and Maddie thought this was ingenius for them to do more sophisticated jumps in the living room. Maddie started mixing the promotional song of HersheyPark with the Sesame theme song and she was singing this while Faith danced. It was so funny! And, tonight at dinner they were having a screeching contest. Maddie would screech as loud as she could, and then Faith would go. These girls can screech VERY, VERY loud. And they definitely do have that girlish pitch to their screeches which makes it even funnier. They were dying of laughter.
We definitely enjoy our time together.